Friday, August 17, 2012

Back from the Grave.

As some of you may remember, the last printed issue of Tripalium Zine was in 2003. Issue 4 was almost ready by 2005, I remember having the lay-out almost complete by then when my computer crashed and destroyed everything.

Issue 4 was supposed to be the biggest issue with about 20 interviews and if I’m not mistaken about 200 reviews of zines, demos and albums. You could just imagine my frustration when I lost everything during that time.

It took sometime before I get to have another computer and by then things have already changed a lot. No I never became a born again Christian or something, I still listen to metal that’s for sure but the zine was put on hold indefinitely. I never stopped listening to extreme music, but buying records have declined drastically. By 2006 I already have 2 kids and no permanent job, buying records was the last thing I could think of back then. Trading continued but even that became very minimal.

Lately, I patiently went over my old e-mails to retrieve the unpublished interviews and found 19 of them. Soon you’ll get a chance to read them. These interviews include END OF MAN (my second live interview), KRONOS, DESPONDENCY, GRADINATA NORD, L.O.C., FASTER THAN SATAN, EXTREME RESPONSE, MORTAL GRUDGE, RALLYE IBANEZ, PROJECT: FAILING FLESH, ONE STEP BEYOND, SIXFOURTWOFIVE, MIDGARD, HUMAN MASTICATION, NUCLEAR PUNISHMENT, ELITE, SCENT OF DEATH, LIVIDITY (a separate interview with Dave Kibler and Shaun Lacanne)and NEGATRON. These interviews may no longer represent the current status of the bands as some of them have already disbanded while others went on a slightly different direction.

What I miss the most for this issue was the lengthy live interview with Mark Sawickis. If I’m not mistaken it was about 4 pages, including a side bar with short comments from underground artists about the band.

I might still have the hand written draft of that article in my old boxes of stuff in Cavite. Test print copies of reviews might be there too but encoding them again is going to be a real bummer.

In 2010 Tripalium went online thru this blog but after a couple of interviews it faded into oblivion once again. I didn’t even spread the word about this blog back then.

Lately I’ve been thinking of submitting interviews to other zines but since I already have this blog set up I guess it’s best to just let this machine roll once again.

Expect to read those old unpublished interviews alongside the new ones one of these days.

The machine may be rusted but it’s still grinding and crushing!

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